Times News Express

Is working from home here to stay?

Love it or hate it, for over a year many office-based workers have been working from home. More people than ever have experienced this new working environment. And with many companies embracing a mix of home and office working, remote working could be here to stay.

Of course, just like the traditional working environment, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of working from home

People quickly discovered there were several benefits to working from home – many of which will be hard to give up on.

Disadvantages of working from home

While the financial benefits to working from are undeniable, some people have struggled with other aspects of being away from the office.

Many companies have realized productivity, staff retention, and employee happiness and satisfaction have increased since the workforce has been at home. While there is still some way to go to find the perfect balance, companies will likely combine working from home with office days in a hybrid approach. Now, how to go about that four-day week?

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