“Navigating Leadership in Higher Education: Essential Insights for Success”

Higher education leaders are urged to address issues like declining confidence in a college degree and rising student debt by taking a holistic approach to students’ needs and emphasizing the importance of civil debate, according to discussions at U.S. News & World Report’s “The Evolution of Leadership: Education” event.

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The U.S. News – Harris Poll survey emphasized the need for leaders to be authentic, trustworthy, honest, hard-working, ethical, and loyal. However, nearly 60% of respondents in a separate survey believe college and university leaders are failing students.

Higher education

Colleges should adopt a holistic approach to understanding and addressing students’ needs.
The shift from a mindset of potential student failure to believing that all students can master college-level work is crucial.
Accessibility and inclusivity should be prioritized, with support services tailored to meet students’ diverse needs.
Postsecondary Credentials:

Postsecondary credentials should prepare students for both graduation and the workforce.
Leaders should emphasize the economic opportunities unlocked by a bachelor’s degree, with a focus on earning potential and career readiness.
Initiatives like internships can enhance students’ understanding of the workforce and career preparation.
Teaching Civil Debate:

Emphasizing the importance of civil debate and dialogue is essential, especially during divisive issues like conflicts between Israel and Hamas.
College leaders are encouraged to demonstrate moral courage and clarity in condemning antisemitism and addressing issues such as race-conscious admissions.

Ensuring a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is vital in leadership responses to societal challenges.

In summary, the key recommendations include holistic student support, preparing students for the workforce through postsecondary credentials, and promoting civil debate and moral leadership in addressing societal issues.

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