Texas Takes the Lead in U.S. Population Growth: A Trend Set to Continue in 2022

Everything’s bigger in Texas, including the population. As the second-largest U.S. state (the biggest in the Continental U.S.), Texas is home to many small towns and wide-open spaces, in addition to multiple massive metropolitan areas.

But this diverse range of living areas is only one of the qualities drawing in hundreds of thousands of new residents. Read on to discover why Texas is now the fastest-growing state in the U.S. and whether this trend might continue over the next few years.

Texas population growth over the last decade

In 2010, Texas was home to about 25 million residents. But in 2020, that number had risen to more than 29 million residents. 

People have been flocking to Texas over the last several years due to increased job opportunities (particularly those in the tech industry), a higher birth rate, and increasingly advanced metropolitan infrastructure. You may even be thinking of picking up a cowboy hat and moving to the Lone Star State yourself. 

But, of course, there are several things to know before moving to Texas. For example, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the Jumbo State’s average cost of living, climate, job market, and educational opportunities before packing your bags.

It’s also an excellent idea to learn more about Texas’s most famous (and highly populated) cities, including Austin, Dallas, and Houston. Doing so can help you decide between moving to a metropolitan area or a rural town. 

In 2021, Texas was one of only a few U.S. states with a cumulative population of more than 20 million residents. But this massive Southwestern state may face challenges stemming from its sudden population increase.

Challenges due to Texas’s population growth

There are quite a few factors that may cause Texans to move to other states within several years. One of the most prevalent reasons is the independent Texas electrical grid, which has experienced several outages over the last few years, particularly during winter storms.

Other challenges include a rapidly changing employment landscape. Though the Texas energy industry is still robust, its technology, construction, and retail industries are quickly becoming just as vital. As such, individuals with backgrounds in the energy industry may eventually seek employment in other states.

The future of the Texas population boom

As of 2018, there were about 110 people per square mile in Texas. That number has risen slightly over the last few years, but there’s still plenty of space for new residents. 

For example, more than 1,300 towns or cities in Texas have fewer than 100,000 residents. As the Lone Star State’s metropolitan borders continue to grow, so will the suburban areas surrounding them

Consequently, Texas can experience several more decades of rapid growth before running into significant resource or housing deficits. The future of the Texas population boom looks very bright, not only for the state but for its diverse and talented pool of new residents.

Wrap up

The smaller towns and cities around Texas’s central metropolitan areas (including Dallas, Houston, and Austin) are the fastest-growing areas in the U.S. This trend is unlikely to change any time soon, as Texas is quickly becoming the new tech hub of the U.S., ensuring that job opportunities remain plentiful and competitive. 

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