47.425.488 LTDA Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu Mineiros – Company Information

Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA - Company Information

47.425.488 ltda melissa carvalho martins de abreu mineiros


Registration Details

  • CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registry): 47.425.488/0001-62 – 47425488000162
  • Legal Name: 47.425.488 LTDA
  • Trade Name: Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu
  • Date of Establishment: August 4, 2022 (11 months and 19 days ago)
  • Business Size: Micro Empresa (Micro Company)
  • Legal Structure: Sociedade Empresária Limitada (Limited Liability Company)
  • Opted for MEI (Individual Microentrepreneur): No
  • Opted for Simples (Simplified Tax Regime): Yes
  • Date of Simples Option: August 4, 2022
  • Capital Stock: R$ 5,000.00
  • Type: Headquarters
  • Status: Active
  • Date of Registration Status: August 4, 2022



  • Address: Avenida Nove, SN (No number)
  • Complement: Quadra16 Lote 15 Casa A Sala 01
  • Neighborhood: Mundinho
  • Postal Code (CEP): 75832-019
  • City: Mineiros
  • State: Goiás

Mailing Address

Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA Avenida Nove SN Quadra16 Lote 15 Casa A Sala 01 Mundinho Mineiros GO 75832-019

Board of Partners and Administrators

  • Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu: Sócio-Administrador (Partner-Administrator)
  • Qualification of the person in charge of the company: Partner-Administrator



The company Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu, with CNPJ 47.425.488/0001-62 and registered on August 4, 2022, operates under the legal name 47.425.488 LTDA. It is located in the city of Mineiros, state of Goiás. The company’s primary activity, according to Receita Federal (Brazilian IRS), is 86.30-5-03 – Ambulatory medical services restricted to consultations. As of now, the company’s registration status is active.

Please note that all the information provided is based on the data available as of the mentioned date. For the most current details, it is recommended to refer to official sources or contact the company directly.

The company Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA, with the Corporate Taxpayer Registry (CNPJ) number 47.425.488/0001-62, is a noteworthy establishment founded on August 4, 2022, making it 11 months and 19 days old as of the current date. Operating as a Micro Empresa, the company’s legal structure is classified as a Sociedade Empresária Limitada, which reflects its nature as a Limited Liability Company.

The founder and Sócio-Administrador of Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA is Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu herself. The company opted for the Simples tax regime, signifying its choice to benefit from simplified tax regulations applicable to small and medium-sized enterprises in Brazil. Furthermore, the business boasts a capital social of R$ 5,000.00, indicating the initial financial investment made to establish the company.

Based in Mineiros, Goiás, the company is actively engaged in the provision of medical ambulatory services restricted to consultations (activity code: 86.30-5-03, according to Receita Federal). This indicates the company’s focus on delivering healthcare services in an outpatient setting, with a primary emphasis on consultations.

The business’s registration remains in an active status, and since its inception on August 4, 2022, it has been effectively carrying out its operations and serving the community’s healthcare needs.

Location and Contact Information

Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA is situated at Avenida Nove, SN, Quadra16 Lote 15 Casa A Sala 01, in the Mundinho neighborhood of Mineiros, Goiás. The company can be reached via email at for any inquiries or communication.

Additionally, for more direct contact, interested parties can use the telephone number (64) 3620-7444 to reach out to the company’s representatives.

Company Profile and Mission

The company’s primary objective is to deliver exceptional healthcare services through a team of qualified professionals dedicated to improving the well-being of their patients. With a focus on medical consultations in an ambulatory setting, Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA aims to become a trusted healthcare provider in the region.

The company’s mission is centered on providing accessible, reliable, and compassionate healthcare services to individuals in Mineiros and its surrounding areas. By offering a range of medical consultations and ensuring patient satisfaction, the company strives to contribute positively to the overall health of the community it serves.


Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA, operating as a Micro Empresa under the Sociedade Empresária Limitada structure, has been actively delivering medical ambulatory services with a focus on consultations since its inception on August 4, 2022. The company’s commitment to providing quality healthcare services makes it a significant player in the healthcare industry in Mineiros, Goiás. With its dedication to patient well-being and accessible medical consultations, Melissa Carvalho Martins de Abreu 47.425.488 LTDA is poised to leave a positive impact on the health of the local community and beyond.

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