How to Stay Healthy the Winter Season

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Given the events that have transpired over the past two years, taking the necessary precautions to stay healthy has never been more important. And since the flu season is now upon us, COVID-19 isn’t the only thing you need to worry about. Diligence is key to preventing illness, especially during the winter time. Below you’ll find four tips that will help you stay healthy during the winter season.

Get Your Flu Shot

Your first step should be getting your flu shot as soon as you can. Although there are quite a few brands of the flu vaccine, each one works the same and can protect you from catching the flu. And even if you do happen to catch it, your symptoms are usually milder and of shorter duration. You can maximize its efficacy by washing your hands, wearing a mask and avoiding close contact with others during flu season.

Practice Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy life choices can also keep you healthy during the winter. Aside from staying warm, it’s important for you to eat a nutritional diet, stay hydrated and exercise regularly. When it comes to your diet, you need to incorporate plenty of grains, vegetables and fruit into it while paying attention to portion sizes. The necessary portion size does depend on your overall health and your activity levels.

Have an Emergency Fund

If you do get sick and need some time off to recuperate, it’s important you have an emergency fund. An emergency fund can help you cover any medical bills, prescription medication and missed days of work. Saving enough money to use for emergencies can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. A quick and efficient way to get some easy money is to sell your life insurance policy. There are two ways you can do this. You can sell it back to the company or you can get a life settlement. Both methods are practically the same except with one major difference. If you’re not sure how the process works, you can learn all about the process in an online guide that explains how to sell your life insurance for cash.

Practice Self-Care

Many people experience a low mood and less energy during the winter because of shorter days and less time outside. Seasonal triggers, like grieving a lost family member or not being able to celebrate the holidays, can also attribute to a lot of sadness. During this time of year, take extra care to treat yourself with kindness. Even though you may be busy, make sure you prioritize time to do your favorite hobbies. Netflix on the weekend can be therapeutic. It’s also okay to ask for time alone or turn down plans sometimes.

If you’re an introvert, the season of gathering and sharing can get a little overwhelming at times. Remember that it’s okay to take breaks. Part of staying healthy during the winter also requires being more active indoors. Try incorporating a 5-minute stretching routine into your mornings and before bed. Low-impact cardio workouts can keep your body limber even if there’s a snowstorm outside.

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