45.304.636 ltda lrv car lucas do rio verde

Unraveling the Tale of Lucas do Rio Verde's Pioneering Automotive Entity

45.304.636 ltda lrv car lucas do rio verde

 Lrv Car 45.304.636 LTDA  information in table format:

Information Details
CNPJ 45.304.636/0001-65
Legal Name (Razão Social) 45.304.636 LTDA
Trade Name (Nome Fantasia) Lrv Car
Date of Establishment 15/02/2022
Age of the Company 1 year, 5 months, and 8 days
Size (Porte) Micro Empresa
Legal Nature (Natureza Jurídica) Sociedade Empresária Limitada
Opted for MEI (Opção pelo MEI) No
Opted for Simples (Opção pelo Simples) Yes
Date of Simples Option 15/02/2022
Capital Investment (Capital Social) R$ 25,000.00
Type (Tipo) Matriz
Cadastre Status (Situação) Ativa
Cadastre Status Date 15/02/2022
Phone(s) (65) 3549-5692 (Whatsapp)
(65) 99956-8507
Address (Logradouro) Avenida Tocantis, 2307 e
Neighborhood (Bairro) Rio Verde
Postal Code (CEP) 78455-000
City (Município) Lucas do Rio Verde
State (Estado) Mato Grosso
Correspondence Address
Lrv Car 45.304.636 LTDA
Avenida Tocantis 2307 e
Rio Verde
Lucas do Rio Verde MT
Partners and Administrators
Name Paulo Cesar Mendes Borges
Qualification Sócio-Administrador
Qualification of the Company Sócio-Administrador



Nestled within the bustling embrace of Lucas do Rio Verde, Brazil, a stellar automotive enterprise has garnered unparalleled repute. LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde, known as 45.304.636 Ltda, has etched its name in the annals of the automotive industry, basking in the splendor of its commitment to excellence and peerless service, solidifying its standing as a reliable purveyor of automotive solutions.


Within the pages of this chronicle, we embark on a journey of discovery, delving into the essence of 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde, shining a spotlight on their unwavering dedication to customer gratification and their profound impact on the surrounding community.

A Plethora of All-Encompassing Automotive Services

At the core of its operations, 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde proffers an extensive array of automotive services catering to the diverse exigencies of vehicle proprietors. From the realm of routine maintenance and intricate repairs to the realm of artistic customization and meticulous detailing, the enterprise adroitly handles the manifold facets of automotive nurturance. Each customer is treated to a tapestry of top-tier service and assiduous attention to minutiae, be it the humdrum of routine servicing or the labyrinthine endeavors of diagnosing enigmatic mechanical maladies or the pursuit of aesthetic enhancements to vehicles.

A Coterie of Adept and Seasoned Technicians: The edifice of 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde’s accomplishments rests firmly on the shoulders of its adroit and seasoned corps of technicians. The company prides itself on recruiting professionals adorned with an encyclopedic wealth of knowledge and proficiency in the domains of automotive diagnostics, repairs, and maintenance. With an unwavering commitment to continual development, these paragons of skill remain au courant with the latest trends engulfing the automotive industry, thereby delivering unassailable reliability and nimble efficiency in their service, assuring optimal health for vehicles within their care.

Pledging Allegiance to Customer Contentment

Above all, the hallowed precept of customer contentment serves as the guiding star of 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde. The enterprise staunchly grasps the indelible significance of engendering long-lasting liaisons with its esteemed clientele, propelling it to traverse the extra mile in exceeding every customer’s wildest aspirations. Transparent and incisive elucidations of their services merge harmoniously with bespoke recommendations, thereby fostering an environment wherein each customer feels unequivocally esteemed and fortified in their automotive preferences.

A Vow to Unswerving Quality and Reliability

Within the realm of automotive services, 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde upholds an unwavering commitment to unfaltering quality and steadfast reliability. Employing genuine components and harnessing cutting-edge diagnostic equipment, the company aligns with industry best practices, thereby engendering impeccable outcomes. This judicious synthesis of technical prowess and premium products ensures that vehicles are meticulously serviced to the most exacting of benchmarks, endowing customers with a profound sense of serenity and assurance during their voyages.

Contributing Symbiotically to the Local Community

Beyond the contours of its commercial exploits, 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde assumes an active role in coalescing symbiotically with the local community it serves. Embracing the inalienable importance of supporting and engaging with the community, the company stands as a bastion of philanthropy and camaraderie. Through sponsorships, affiliations with local events, and enthusiastic participation in charitable initiatives, 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde ostentatiously demonstrates its steadfast commitment to the welfare and progress of Lucas do Rio Verde.

A Glimpse into the Cosmic Horizon:

With ardent fervor, 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde sets its sights on amplifying its preeminence as a beacon in the realm of automotive services. Ineluctably drawn to the siren call of customer contentment, the enterprise relentlessly espouses an unwavering focus on quality, dependability, and proficiency among its contingent of technicians, driving their relentless ascendancy. Embracing the inexorable march of technological advancements and steadfastly occupying the vanguard of the industry, 45.304.636 Ltda LRV Car Lucas do Rio Verde stands at the precipice of an epoch marked by expansion and growth, resonating with unwavering resolve as it endeavors to provide unparalleled automotive solutions to the very community it cherishes.


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