Ray Dalio Shocking Revelation! U.S. and China Avoid War?! The Hidden ‘War’ That Will Change Everything Exposed – APEC Showdown Unveils Unseen Threats!”

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates and a billionaire investor, contends that the United States and China have stepped back from the brink of war amid escalating tensions on both fronts. This assessment precedes the scheduled meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping during the 30th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in San Francisco on November 15.
Ray Dalio
In a succinct analysis shared on Tuesday via a LinkedIn post, the billionaire investor remarked, “The realizations by both sides that they were at the brink and the looking over the brink into the abyss scared the leaders on both sides.” He noted that interactions since June aimed at averting conflict culminated in efforts toward a positive APEC meeting between Presidents Biden and Xi, fostering modestly increased cooperation.
Dalio argued that while the conflict between the U.S. and China may not escalate into a “military war,” a different kind of intense and threatening ‘war’ between the two powers is unfolding. He estimated, albeit roughly, that the probability of U.S.-China military combat over the next decade is around 35%.
According to Dalio, this new form of war is not entirely novel, drawing parallels to Sun Tzu’s ancient treatise “Art of War.” It involves tactics such as deception, resource expenditure by the opponent, and exploiting the opponent’s weaknesses. The emphasis shifts towards managing financial, economic, technological, and social strengths, with military power serving as a last resort if non-military strategies fail.
Dalio underscored the historical precedence of the winner in the “technology war” also prevailing in economic and geopolitical conflicts. Current manifestations of this principle include developments in chips, AI, quantum computing, and other undisclosed technologies.
Cautioning against a more covert, Cold War-style great power conflict, Dalio echoed sentiments expressed by other financial leaders, including JPMorgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon, BlackRock’s Chief Larry Fink, and hedge fund giant David Einhorn, who all warned of the potential for a global economic recession and disruption in financial markets due to the war.
While the White House has outlined the summit’s primary objectives as enhancing communication to prevent potential conflicts between the U.S. and China, topics for discussion are expected to span global concerns such as conflicts in the Middle East, Russia’s actions in Ukraine, human rights, artificial intelligence, and trade relations.