kshordy arrested | Jacksonville Rapper Kshordy Charged w/ 2d Degree Murder – Facing DEATH PENALTY!!
kshordy arrested

kshordy arrested
Florida prosecutors have charged Jacksonville rapper Kshordy with second-degree murder, and are reportedly looking to give the rapper the death penalty MTO News has learned.
Kshordy, real name Terese Powe, is one of the hottest young rappers from the Florida rap scene. His hit song Friday The 13th was one of the hottest tracks coming out of Jax in 2021.
MTO News confirmed that Kshordy was hit with one murder case, and a weapons charge. Under Florida law, if convicted Kshordy, who is just 20 years old, is facing the death penalty.
Kshordy is from the North side of Jacksonville, and is very active in the streets. He’s known for having very publicized beefs with other Jacksonville rappers like Sinabenz and Foolio.
Here’s Kshordy explaining what it was like for him growing up in Jacksonville:
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