X-RAY PROTOCOLS: xr foot 3v ap/lat/obl ltxr shldr >/=3v ap/tru ap/othr rt

xr foot 3v ap/lat/obl ltxr shldr >/=3v ap/tru ap/othr rt
73060 | CR Humerus 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Humerus, Upper Arm | 2-4 | X-ray of the upper arm (humerus) on the left, right, or both sides |
73070 | CR Elbow 2V 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Elbow, Elbow limited | 2-4 | X-ray of the elbow, 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73080 | CR Elbow Min 3V 3-8 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Elbow, Elbow complete | 3-8 | Complete X-ray of the elbow, minimum 3 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73090 | CR Forearm 2V 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Forearm, Lower Arm | 2-4 | X-ray of the lower arm (forearm) on the left, right, or both sides |
73100 | CR Wrist 2V 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Wrist, Wrist limited | 2-4 | X-ray of the wrist, 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73110 | CR Wrist Min 3V 3-8 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Wrist, Wrist complete | 3-8 | Complete X-ray of the wrist, minimum 3 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73120 | CR Hand 1V/2V (includes fingers) 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Hand, Hand limited | 2-4 | X-ray of the hand, 1 or 2 views, including fingers, on the left, right, or both sides |
73130 | CR Hand Min 3V (includes fingers) 3-7 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Hand, Hand Complete | 3-7 | Complete X-ray of the hand, minimum 3 views, including fingers, on the left, right, or both sides |
73140 | CR Finger Min 2V 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Finger or Thumb | 2-4 | X-ray of the finger or thumb, minimum 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
77072 | CR Bone Age Study 1 Bone Age, Hand 1V for bone age | 1 | X-ray of the hand for bone age assessment |
73550 | CR Femur 2V 2-8 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Femur, Thigh, Upper leg | 2-8 | X-ray of the thigh (femur), 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73560 | CR Knee 1V/2V 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Knee 2 view, AP/Lat, limited | 2-4 | X-ray of the knee, 1 or 2 views (AP/Lat), on the left, right, or both sides |
73562 | CR Knee 3V 3-6 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Knee 3 view, complete, AP/Lat/OBL | 3-6 | Complete X-ray of the knee, 3 views (AP/Lat/OBL), on the left, right, or both sides |
73564 | CR Knee Min 4V 4-9 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Knee 4 view, as ordered 4V | 4-9 | X-ray of the knee, as ordered, with a minimum of 4 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73590 | CR Tibia/Fibula 2V 2-6 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Tib/Fib, Lower leg, shin | 2-6 | X-ray of the lower leg (tibia/fibula), 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73600 | CR Ankle 1V/2V 1-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Ankle 2V, AP/Lat, limited | 1-4 | X-ray of the ankle, 2 views (AP/Lat), on the left, right, or both sides |
73610 | CR Ankle 3V 3-6 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Ankle 3V, complete, APOL | 3-6 | Complete X-ray of the ankle, 3 views (APOL), on the left, right, or both sides |
73620 | CR Foot 2V (includes toes) 2-4 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Foot 2V, AP/LAT, limited | 2-4 | X-ray of the foot, 2 views (AP/LAT), including toes, on the left, right, or both sides |
73630 | CR Foot Min 3V (includes toes) 3-6 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Foot 3V, complete, APOL | 3-6 | Complete X-ray of the foot, minimum 3 views, including toes, on the left, right, or both sides |
73650 | CR Heel Min 2V 2-6 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Heel, Calcaneus, Os Calcis | 2-6 | X-ray of the heel (calcaneus), minimum 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
73660 | CR Toe Min 2V 2-6 Lt, Rt, Toes, or individual toe | 2-6 | X-ray of the toes or individual toe, minimum 2 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
70250 | CR Skull Less than 4V 1-3 Skull AP/LAT, Skull 2V, Skull limited | 1-3 | X-ray of the skull, less than 4 views, AP/LAT, on the left, right, or both sides |
70260 | CR Skull Min 4V 4-5 Skull complete, Skull Min 3V | 4-5 | Complete X-ray of the skull, minimum 4 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
70210 | CR Sinus Less than 3V 1-2 Sinus Waters, Sinus 2V, Sinus Limited | 1-2 | X-ray of the sinuses, less than 3 views, Waters view, on the left, right, or both sides |
70220 | CR Sinus Min 3V 3-5 Sinus, Sinus Complete, Sinus 3V | 3-5 | Complete X-ray of the sinuses, minimum 3 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
70140 | CR Facial Bone Less than 3V 1-2 Facial Bone limited, Facial bone PA Lat | 1-2 | X-ray of the facial bones, less than 3 views, limited, on the left, right, or both sides |
70150 | CR Facial Bone Min 3V 3-4 Facial Bones, Zygoma, Maxillae | 3-4 | Complete X-ray of the facial bones, including Zygoma and Maxillae, on the left, right, or both sides |
70200 | CR Orbit Min 4V 4-6 Lt, Rt, or Bilat Orbits, Facial Orbits | 4-6 | Complete X-ray of the orbits (facial orbits), minimum 4 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
70030 | CR Orbit Detection of Foreign Body 1-2 MR Metal screening, Orbit Metal screening | 1-2 | X-ray of the orbits for detecting a foreign body, Metal screening, on the left, right, or both sides |
70100 | CR Mandible Partial Lt, Rt 3-4 Lt, Rt Mandible, Jaw | 3-4 | X-ray of the mandible (jaw), partial, on the left, right, or both sides |
70110 | CR Mandible Min 4V 4-8 Mandible, Jaw | 4-8 | Complete X-ray of the mandible (jaw), on the left, right, or both sides |
70330 | CR TMJ Bilat 4-6 TMJ, Temporomandibular Joint | 4-6 | X-ray of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), bilateral, on the left, right, or both sides |
70160 | CR Nasal Bone Min 3V 3 Nose, Nasal bone | 3 | X-ray of the nasal bone, minimum 3 views, on the left, right, or both sides |
70130 | CR Mastoid 3-5 Mastoids | 3-5 | X-ray of the mastoids |
77075 | Bone Survey Adult 19 X-ray Bone Survey, Bone study, METS study | 19 | X-ray bone survey for adults, multiple views for different body parts |
77076 | Bone Survey Infant 9-23 X-ray Bone Survey, X-ray Bone study | 9-23 | X-ray bone survey for infants, multiple views for different body parts |
73592 | CR Lower Extremity Infant 3-8 Pediatric leg, lower limb, Hip-foot | 3-8 | X-ray of the lower extremity for infants, multiple views, including hip to foot |
76010 | CR Nose to Rectum for Foreign Body 1-2 Pediatric foreign body, Swallow FB check | 1-2 | X-ray from nose to rectum for detecting a foreign body, on the left, right, or both sides |
73092 | CR Upper Extremity Infant 2-6 Pediatric arm, Shoulder-hand, upper limb | 2-6 | X-ray of the upper extremity for infants, multiple views, including shoulder to hand |